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Sala Tallone dell'isola di San Giulio, Orta San Giulio

14 June 2014, 21:15

Stylus Italicus
Il suono, il gesto, l'espressività

A walk through some of the sentiments of the Italians as expressed by Marini, Stradella, Frescobaldi, Castello, Fontana and Kapsberger. This music breathes with harmony, though dissonance and consonance, ever bathing in sentiments from sighs and despair to joy and exhilaration, with brilliant coloured light, obscure darkness and the use of many shadows.


La Biblioteca Umanistica Corso Garibaldi 116, Milano (Chiesa Santa Maria Incoronata)

14 May 2014, 21:00

The Court of Christina

'The musicians of the queen without a country'

Christina of Sweden was the unconventional "Girl King' who was born under a rare astrological conjunction, became queen at the age of six, never married, abdicated her throne, converted to Roman Catholicism, dressed and behaved like a man, travelled around Europe, moved to Rome and supported and protected many artists and musicians. This program presents a selection by the musicians employed by this 'queen without a country.' Corelli, Stradella, Lonati and Colista were musical masters in Rome during the middle of the seventeenth century when Christina established herself near the Vatican and used her means to support them in various moments of their careers.

Ancienne Eglise d’Assens, Switzerland

3 February 2013, 17:00

Stylus Italicus

Musique et influences italiennes
aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles

Eglise de Lens, Switzerland

2 February 2013, 20:00

Stylus Italicus

Musique et influences italiennes
aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles

Eglise de St-Léonard, Sion

1 February 2013, 20:00

Stylus Italicus

Musique et influences italiennes
aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles

Chiesa di San Francesco, Civitanova Alta

7 December 2012, 20:00

Stylus Italicus
Il suono, il gesto, l'espressività

A walk through some of the sentiments of the Italians as expressed by Marini, Stradella, Frescobaldi, Castello, Fontana and Kapsberger. This music breathes with harmony, though dissonance and consonance, ever bathing in sentiments from sighs and despair to joy and exhilaration, with brilliant coloured light, obscure darkness and the use of many shadows.
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